SafeNet UEBA - Centro de Operaciones de Seguridad basado en UEBA explicable
Call: Compra Pública Precomercial CPP001/23. (CPP001-23-R006_SAFENET_UEBA)
Dates: -
The primary objective of the SafeNet UEBA project is the design and implementation of a Security Operations Center (SOC) that allows the detection of cyberattacks based on UEBA using statistical techniques and artificial intelligence (AI). The solution will enable the incorporation of a wide variety of data sources, which, once normalized and aggregated, will be used to construct a robust pattern of the behavior of users, devices, or entities. The detected threats will be enriched with external sources such as Indicators of Compromise using the MISP threat intelligence platform.
- Funded under: Compra Pública Precomercial CPP001/23. (CPP001-23-R006_SAFENET_UEBA)
- Budject: € 1.574.423,81
- Coordinator: UTE Reto 6 UEBA (GRADIANT + SIXTEMA)